美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件2.ppt

美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件2.ppt

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美国人力资源管理—福利管理 教学课件2

*Noelle Baker, Contributing Editor The Psychology of Employee Benefits McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright ? 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter Two Learning Objectives The reciprocal nature of the employer/employee relationship; Employee benefits as a psychological contract with implied employee benefits; How breaking the implied and/or explicit contract can lead to perceived injustice; How benefits can be used to generate perceptions of fairness and equity through out the organization Chapter Overview This chapter provides an understanding of how employee benefits impact employee attitudes and work performance. By understanding the psychological basis for employee benefits, employers can develop and maintain an effective benefit program that considers the impact of the social exchange present in the employer-employee relationship. The Employment Relationship As Social Change Clear Expectations The social exchange in the employer-employee relationship is one where the employer offers inducements (wages/benefits) in return for employee contributions (performance and commitment). Benefits Constitute Social Exchange Economic Exchange Benefits not only provide employer cost and tax advantages, but are used for recruitment, retention, motivation and employee commitment. Health insurance is an example of a specific economic exchange. Social Exchange Expectations tend to evolve over time as the employer-employee relationship changes due to changes in: employment status; the employee’s need for specific benefits; and as a result of changing employer benefit practices. Changes in Benefit Administration The nature of the employment relationship has changed as economic conditions shifted. Jobs are no longer characterized by long term security, strong employee loyalty or a patriarchal hierarchy. The cost of benefits are being shifted to employees and retirees in order to ensure organizational liquidity. The workforce demographics are also be


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