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Reiteration refers to the repetition of a lexical item, or the occurrence of a synonym of some kind, in the context of reference; that is where two occurrences have the same referent. Note: Antonyms and hyponyms Translation of the Text: Textual Consciouness Textual consciousness in translation 语篇意识 It’s common to use text as a unit for the analysis of translation as it enables the translator to appreciate the linguistic form, meaning and spirit of the original. 翻译中应当大处着眼(top-down),小处着手(bottom-up),小单位、低层次服从于大单位、高层次。 The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do. 上了年纪而能这样看待生活的人就不会遭受怕死的痛苦,因为他所关怀的事物将继续下去。同时,如果精力衰竭了,疲乏增加了,休息的思想并非是要不得的。我倒愿意工作不息,死而后已,因为我知道别人会继续我未完成的事业。 而且,如果随着精力的衰竭,疲倦之感 日渐增加,长眠并非是不受欢迎的念头。 So that when lieutenant Osborne, coming to Russel Square on the day of the Vaux hall party said to the ladies, “Mrs. Sedley, I hope you have room, I’ve asked Dobbin of ours to come and dine here, and go with us to Vaux hall. He’s almost as modest as Joe.” 到游乐场去的那一天,奥斯本中尉到了勒塞尔广场就对太太、小姐们说:“塞特笠太太,我希望您这儿有空位子,我请了我们的都宾来吃饭,然后一块儿上游乐场。他跟乔斯差不多一样怕羞。” 原文中的“modest”有多个意思,可以表示“谦虚的”、“端庄的”、“贞节的”、“羞怯的”、“有节制的”、“朴实的”等等。那么,为什么译者将词义选定为“怕羞”呢?如果孤立地看这一句话甚至这一个段落,是很难确定其词义的,因为任何一个意思在这句话中似乎都讲得通。只有从语篇着手,分析语境和上下文,才能选定符合原意的汉语对等词。原来《名利场》第三章末尾一段对乔斯的性格作了交代:Poor Joe, why will he be so shy?还有此书第五章的一段文字:He had arrived with a knock so very timid and quiet, 从 “shy”,、“timid”、 “quiet”这三个词我们就可以有充分的根据将此处的 “modest” 译作 “怕羞”。 He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had been engaged in the south. 他先在南方从事一项建筑工程,完成任务 后,就去格鲁吉亚度假,享受高加索的太 阳,昨天才坐飞机回来。 Text is not a mere aggregation of sentences; rather, it is a seman


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