英语国家概况 美国 U2.ppt

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英语国家概况 美国 U2

2.6. The South Feminist Movement Do you want to know more about the Feminist Movement? In 1963, Betty Friedan, a Smith College graduate and middle-class suburban housewife, published a pioneering book titled The Feminine Mystique. She argued that the idyllic image of domesticity created by magazines and advertisements was merely propaganda that had trapped American women into an unfulfilling existence in the home. Friedan’s book, an instant best-seller, tapped into the widespread discontent among middle-class American women 2.6. The South women and helped launch a national campaign of protest now known as the women’s movement. During the 1960s and 1970s, the women’s movement made considerable progress in elevating public awareness of inequalities between the sexes. A central player in the movement was the National Organization for Women (NOW), which was formed in 1966 by Friedan and other like-minded activists to promote women’s rights through legislation. Feminist Movement 2.6. Northeast Betty Friedan Feminist Movement 2.6. The South Anti-War Movement Do you want to know more about the Anti-War Movement? Opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War began slowly and in small numbers in 1964 on various college campuses in the United States. This anti-war sentiment developed during a time of unprecedented student activism reinforced in numbers by the demographically significant baby boomers, but grew to include a wide and varied cross-section of Americans from all walks of life. The Anti-War Movement is often considered 2.6. The South to have been a major factor affecting America’s involvement in the war itself. Many veterans of Vietnam, including U.S. Senator John Kerry, and disabled veteran Ron Kovic spoke out against the Vietnam War on their return to the United States. Anti-War Movement Anti-War demonstration 1. Watergate scandal 2.8 In the election of 1968, Richard Nixon was elected president by a narrow margin amidst the worst domestic


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