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Lecture 3 Hope Part I Pre-reading activity. Translate the following paragraph. 人的生命是世界上最宝贵的财富,因为所有的财富都可以失而复得,而生命只有一次。所以我们都要好好的活着,用心去珍惜我们的生命。虽然我们不能控制机遇,但却可以掌握自己;虽然我们无法预知未来,但却可以把握现在;我们不知道自己的生命到底有多长,却可以安排好眼前的生活;我们左右不了变化无常的天气,却可以调整自己的心情。如果活着,我们的生活就该每天充满新的希望。 Part II Dramas on survival. Excerpt from Look Back in Anger. John Osborne CAST JIMMY PORTER CLIFF LEWIS ALISON PORTER ACT I The Porters one-room flat in a large Midland town. Early evening. April. The scene is a fairly large attic room, at the top of a large Victorian house. The ceiling slopes down quite sharply from L. to R. Down R. are two small low windows. In front of these is a dark oak dressing table. Most of the furniture is simple, and rather old. Up R. is a double bed, running the length of most of the back wall, the rest of which is taken up with a shelf of books. Down R. below the bed is a heavy chest of drawers, covered with books, neckties and odds and ends, including a large, tattered toy teddy bear and soft, woolly squirrel. Up L. is a door. Below this a small wardrobe. Most of the wall L. is taken up with a high, oblong window. This looks out on to the landing, but light comes through it from a skylight beyond. Below the wardrobe is a gas stove, and, beside this, a wooden food cupboard, on which is a small, portable radio. Down C. is a sturdy dining table and three chairs, and, below this, L. and R., two deep, shabby leather armchairs. AT RISE OF CURTAIN, JIMMY and CLIFF are seated in the two armchairs R. and L., respectively. All that we can see of either of them is two pairs of legs, sprawled way out beyond the newspapers which hide the rest of them from sight. They are both reading. Beside them, and between them, is a jungle of newspapers and weeklies. When we do eventually see them, we find that JIMMY is a tall, thin young man about twenty-five, wearing a very worn tweed jacket and flannels. Clouds of smoke fill the room from the pipe he is smoking. He is a disconcerting mixture of sinceri



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