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Celebrating the New Year 成员:王泽坤 艾锦超 张姝 丰伟丽 catalog First:时间 Second:方式 Third:各地奇怪的过节方式 Forth:食物 Fifth:结束 New Years Day the festival (New Years Day), every year January 1 celebrates the new year start. The people hold various new year party, everywhere may hear discards the old for the new the ding, for USs federal holiday. 元旦节(New Years Day), 每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,到处可以听到辞旧迎新的钟声, 为美国的联邦假日。 时 间 方 式 Americans celebrate the New Year in many ways. Most do not have to go to work or school. So they visit family and friends , attend church services, share a holiday meal or watch new years parades on television. Two of the most famous parades are the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Both have existed for many years. 美国人有多种庆祝新年的方式。多数人在新年时不必上班或上学。于是他们在此期间走亲访友,参加礼拜仪式,一起分享节日的菜肴或是观看电视上的新年游行。其中最著名的两个游行是宾夕法尼亚州费城的化妆游行和加州帕萨迪纳的玫瑰游行。这两个节日游行都已举行了很多年。 Americans also watch football on television on New Years Day. Most years, university teams play in special holiday games.? For those who have been busy at work or school, New Years may be a day of rest. They spend the time thinking about, and preparing for, the demands of the New Year. Veduchina wish everyone in the world happy new year. 在新年这一天,美国人也会在电视上观看橄榄球赛。多年以来,大学生队都会在特别的节日比赛中上场。 对于那些忙着上班和读书的人来说,新年是一个休息日。他们在这一天琢磨着准备新年所需的东西. 各地奇怪的过年方式 Drawing more than one million visitors in person and one billion viewers on TV, New York City’s Times Square ball drop is one of the most watched events in the world。 每年最后一天的夜晚,纽约时代广场上的水晶球降落仪式都是万众瞩目的焦点,吸引百万游客驻足观看, 另有超过10亿的观众通过电视一同分享这一盛事。 But many cities across the United States prefer to put their own spin on the now traditional event. From pinecones to pineapples, these regions lower their own oversized symbols as the last seconds of the old year tick away。 各地奇怪的过年方式 然而,许多的城市都有自己的不一样的跨年方式。伴着一年最后的时间滴答溜走的声音,这些地区纷纷启动自己的城市象征的降落仪式,只是降落的不再是水晶球,而是松果和菠萝。 Pinecone Drop, Flagstaff,


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