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前缀ab-,abs-在线练习 (a)abrogate (b)absolve (c)ablution (d)abject (e)abstemious1、Rather than trying to punish your father for the way he treated your mother, its better for you to __ him and get on with your own life. lm not saying forget, only forgive.2、I respect a person who lives moderately, but Nelsons stoic, penny-pinching ways are too much. Hes beyond__ ——hes masochistic!3、lraqs __ defiance of the terms of the cease-fire agreement is abhorrent. The international community will long remember this outrageous, contemptible disregard for world opinion.4、Before you get a tattoo on your young body, you should know that no amount of __ in the future will wash it off.5、Boris Yeltsin used his powers as president to dismantle the Soviet-era Politburo, doing away with the last vestige. lronically, it was the old guards attempt to hold onto power that empowered Yeltsin to__. the system that kept them alive.答案和译文1.(b)不要因为你父亲对待你母亲的方式而去惩罚他,你应该宽恕他,并过好你自己的生活,这样对你更好。我不是说要你去忘记,而是要宽恕。2.(e)我虽然很尊敬生活节俭的人,但是尼尔森那种禁欲、吝啬的生活方式有点过头了。那已不是俭朴,而是一种自虐。3.(d)伊拉克卑劣地无视休战协定条件的行为让人憎恶。国际社会将永远记住这种公然藐视世界舆论的行为。4.(c)在给你年少的身体文身以前,你应该清楚今后无论洗多少次都将无法洗掉它。5.(a)鲍里斯·叶利钦利用总统职权瓦解了苏联时期的共产党敢治局,铲除了最后残余。讽刺的是,居然是那些贪图权力的极端保守派帮助叶利钦推翻了曾经让他们得以存活下来的制度。词语释义1.treat 处理;对待;请客;治疗 get on with 好好相处,使事情办成2.moderately 适度地 stoic 禁欲主义的 penny-pinching 极度吝啬的 too much 过分的 masochistic 自虐的3.defiance 挑战;反抗;无视 term 条件;协定,约定 cease-fire agreement 休战协定 abhorrent 令人憎恶的 outrageous 蛮横的,无耻的 contemptible 让人藐视的:卑劣的 disregard 无视4.tattoo 文身 wash off 洗掉5.dismantie 解体 era 时代,时期 Politburo (the ~)前苏联共产党政治局 do away with 除掉 vestige 遗迹,痕迹;残余 old guard 极端保守派 hold onto 继续,支撑 cf. hold onto power(保留权力)empower 授权…,赋予做…的权力 alive使活着、保留权力等同义词:absolve: forgive, pardon, exonerate, exculpate, acquit, clear Ant. chargeabstemious: abstinent, self-restraining, self-disciplined, temperate, sober, frugalabject: miserable, wretched, woaful, doleful, downtrodden Ant. joyfulablution: bathing, tub, shower, cleansing, walshing off辨析abrogate 比an


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