英语语音Chapter 4 Sounds in Connected Speech.ppt

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英语语音Chapter 4 Sounds in Connected Speech

? how old ? Who else? ? May I? ? we agree ? stay up ? see off ? no end ? go away ? ? day in and day out ? highly important ? very interesting ? no objection 4.4 Word Stress(词重音) It should first be pointed out that there are two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress. The former is concerned with the stressing of individual words of two or more syllables when they are pronounced in isolation. The latter refers to the stress that falls on certain word or words semantically important (语义上重要的) in a sentence. Here we shall only deal with some general rules for the stressing of individual words. 1) For most English words of two or three syllables, the stress falls on the first syllable: apple carry problem holiday primary 2) For words of three or more syllables, the stress normally falls on the third syllable from the end: family recognize democracy phy losophy economy 3) For words of two or three syllables with one of the following prefixes(前缀) , the stress usually falls on the syllable following the prefix. a- above ago be- become below com- compare combine con- contain conclude de- detect design em- embark(上船) employ en- encourage engage es- escape especial ex- exchange excuse ob- obtain objective pro- propose promote sub- sub mit(呈送) submerge(淹没) trans- transform translate 4) For words with the following suffixes, the stress nearly always falls on the syllable preceding the suffix: -ian musician politician -ical physical political -ial social partial -ion revolution discussion -ity possibility responsibility Ch


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