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The Four Great Comedies 1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2.The Merchant of Venice 3. As You Like It 4. Twelfth Night ( The Second Period) 1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of his most delightful creations, and it marks a departure from his earlier works and from others of the English Renaissance. Lysander Hermia Demetrius Helena friends Heroes Heroines After the magical enchantment… 2.The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice’s Italian setting and marriage plot are typical of Shakespeare’s earlier comedies, but the characters of Portia(假扮律师的女主人翁), Shakespeare’s first great heroine, and the unforgettable villain Shylock(放高利贷的恶棍夏洛克) elevate this play to a new level. 威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。由于安东尼奥贷款给人从不要利息,并帮夏洛克的女儿私奔,怀恨在心的夏洛克乘机报复,佯装也不要利息,但若逾期不还要从安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉。不巧传来安东尼奥的商船失事的消息,资金周转不灵,贷款无力偿还。夏洛克去法庭控告,根据法律条文要安东尼奥履行诺言。为救安东尼奥的性命,巴萨尼奥的未婚妻鲍西娅假扮律师出庭,她答允夏洛克的要求,但要求所割的一磅肉必须正好是一磅肉,不能多也不能少,更不准流血。夏洛克因无法执行而败诉,害人不成反而失去了财产。 人物塑造:Shylock is a complex character , and Shakespeare makes him seem more human by showing that his hatred is born of the mistreatment he has suffered in a Christian society. 创作基调:Shakespeare’s character includes an element of pathos as well as comedy, meaning that he elicits from readers and audiences pity and compassion, rather than simply scorn and derision. 3. As You Like It 作品风格: Pastoral genre (田园诗派) 故事简介 讲述被放逐的公爵的女儿罗瑟琳与受到长兄奥列佛虐待的奥兰多相爱。不久罗瑟琳受到叔父、篡位者弗莱德里克的放逐,女扮男装逃亡到亚登森林,与奥兰多不期而遇。以此为主线,穿插了奥兰多以德报怨,拯救了兄长,使其天良发现,并与西莉娅产生爱情。弗莱德里克受隐士点拨,翻然悔悟,归还权位等故事。最终共有四对恋人喜结良缘,皆大欢喜。 4. Twelfth Night Twelfth Night is about illusion, deception, disguises, madness, and the extraordinary things that love will cause us to do—and to see. Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeare’s so-called transvestite(异性装扮癖) comedies, a category that also includes As You Like It and The Merchant of Venice. These plays feature female protagonists who, for one reason or another, have to disguise themselves as young men. Conte


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