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------ John Steinbeck Chysanthemums * Ecofeminism movements and philosophies that link feminism with ecology a connection between women and nature childbirth creation nurturing oppression , domination exploitation by a patriarchal Western society An Ecofeminist Interpretation of Chrysanthemums The Connection Between Elisa and Nature The Oppression Upon Elisa and Nature The Awakening of Elisa’s Self The Collapse of Hope * The Connection Between Elisa and Nature Physically: Planters’/Planting Hands (P 37, 41) Elisa’s nurturing the chrysanthemums 1. put her strong fingers down into the forest of new green chrysanthemum sprouts (P 37) 2. …… laid it on a small orderly pile (P 38) 3. With her strong fingers she pressed them into the sand and tamped around them with her knuckles (P 41) 4. Everything goes right down into your fingertips… They do it themselves. You can feel how it is... Theyre with the plant. (P 42) * Psychologically: the source of her passion 1. smugness (P 37) 2. the irritation and resistance’s melting (P40) 3. eyes grew alert and eager (P 41) 4. eyes shone (P 41) 5. face tight with eagerness (P41) 6. breast swelled passionately (P 42) * The Connection Between Elisa and Nature the high grey-flannel fog of winter (Industrialisation) a lid/a closed pot: close off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world Patriarchy: close off Elisa from her self and from freedom * The Oppression Upon Nature The cover of her body: P 37 The suppression of her eagerness: curiosity about the men’s conversations (P 37) The loss of her discourse power: P 38 The fear to communicate with the outside world: eyes hardened with resistance (P 40) * The Oppression Upon Elisa The growing confidence: * The Awakening of Elisa’s Self The consciousness of he


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