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A Sunrise on the Veld Theme A Sunrise on the Veld is a short story written by British author Doris Lessing. It tells the story of a boy who is filled with the excitement and wonder of life and the world around him. However, he soon discovers the darker side of reality, which is that living things must die. Summary Very early one cold morning, the fiftenn-year-old boy rose, dressed rapidly and, holding his gun under his arm and accompanied by his dogs, quietly stole out of his house. He began walking swiftly along the path of the bush, and soon he was running in the wild. He had come out to shoot guinea fowls, but he was too late. However, he did not mind. In fact, he was so exhilarated that he shouted and yelled and sang at the top of his voice. Suddenly he heard a new voice, not his own. Somewhere close to him there was a sound of pain, a kind of shortened scream. He stopped, listened, and looked. Between two trees was a small buck, covered with what appeared to be bits of black fur, screaming and staggering drunkenly and even leaping from side to side, as if it were blind. --summary 是文章的“概要”、“撮要”,是用较短的文字把整篇文章写一遍,不只包括 main idea,连次要一点的重点也要包括。一般100-200个词。 --main idea 是文章的“中心思想”,比 topic 要详细一点,可以是一句或者几句,说明文章最主要想表达什么。一般20-50个词。 --theme?是文章的“题目”或“主题”,一般是一个句子或者短语。一般1-10个词。 The Main Ideas A young boy watches a buck being eaten by a swarm of black ants, is overcome by a feeling of rage, misery and protest, and reaches a new understanding. There are events and circumstances in life that we cannot control. 人生无常,世事难料 Initiation story 莫迪凯·马科斯(Mordecai Marcus)给“成长小说”下的定义:“成长小说展示的是年轻主人公经历了某种切肤之痛的事件后,或改变了原有的世界观,或改变了自己的性格,或两者兼有;这种改变使他摆脱了童年的天真,并最终把他引向了一个真实而复杂的成人世界。” An Ecologist Study of the Initiation Theme in A Sunrise on the Veld A Sunrise on the Veld is one of best short stories written by British writer Doris Lessing ,who honored with the Nobel Prize in 2007.Besides its beautiful language ,the short story proje



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