选修7 u3warming up reading.ppt

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* Warming up Pre-reading Do you know these creatures? Where do they live? How can we see them? Task 1 Ask and answer Talk with your partner,ask him/her several questions. 1. Have you ever seen plants or animals living under the sea? 2. Where did you see them? 3. Which plant or animal impressed you most? 4. Do you have any favorite sea plants or animals? ... Task 2 Sharing Work in groups. Make a list of plants and animals that live under the sea and then have a discussion. Share your knowledge about these sea plants and animals with your classmates. Task 3 Quiz 1. What is the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family? Orca. B. Dolphin. C. Sea lion. D. Elephant seal. Task 3 Quiz 2. Which is the most common name for orca? Killer whale. B. Blackfish. C. Silver fish. D. Golden fish. Task 3 Quiz 3. Which is the second most widely distributed mammal (next to humans) in the world? Orca. B. Blue whale. C. Monkey. D. Dog. Task 3 Quiz 4. Do orcas search for food individually? Yes. B. No. Task 3 Quiz 5. Orcas have been known to attack massive baleen whales,__ in particular. A. blue whales B. gray whales C. sei whales D. humpback whales 熟背课文长难句并理解要点 1. The reading passage is two anecdotes (written by an old man called Clancy). 这篇文章是关于一位名叫Clancy的老人写的两件轶事。 本句用了两个过去分词短语来充当后置定语: written by an old man修饰two anecdotes, called Clancy修饰an old man。 即学即练 单句改错 1) To our pride, a famous Chinese writer naming A B Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for literature. C D 2) The meeting to be held last month in our city A B was of great importance. C D named← →held 熟背课文长难句并理解要点 2. It was a time (when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration). 那个时候, 虎鲸 (当时被称为 “杀手” ) 在每年须鲸


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