野性的呼唤 英文版.ppt

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野性的呼唤 英文版

* * * * * * * ? They are Buck’s second owners. ? Stern and demanding instant? obedience ? The law of club and tooth 木棒和犬牙法则 ? Hal and Charles: foolish and callow ? Mercedes: spoiled and sentimental ? Poor plan ? a seasoned gold prospector ? having a deep, abiding and reciprocal love blossoms between man and dog ? Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest. ? ? The vicious and cunning rulers ? Love, loyalty to his owner ?The call of the wild He did not steal for joy of it, but because of the clamor of his stomach. He did not rob openly , but stole secretly and cunningly , out of respect for club and fang. In short ,the things he did were done because it was easier to de them than not to do them. 他偷东西不是为了从中得到乐趣,而是因为肚子太饿。他不明目张胆地去抢,而是耍点小手腕去偷,这是考虑到木棒和利齿所致。简言之,他之所以这么做是因为做比不做更容易些。 ? Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest. He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that nothing less than primitive. 他是头等的狡猾,并且能够用他天生就有的的那种忍耐等待时机 ? The vicious and cunning rulers Living?in?the?dog?team,?Buck?did?not?want?to?be?patient?for?a?long?time?under?another?man?s?domination.?When?he?was?beat?by?the?man?in?red,?he?already?realized?the?importance?of?power.?Since?then,?he?never?forgot?the?desire?to?win?the?leadership?of?Spitz.?After?full?deliberation?and?preparation,?he?killed?Spitz?in?the?battle,?and?finally?captured?the?leader?position”? ? Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest. Thus, as token of what a puppet thing life is, the ancient song surged through him and he came into his own again. 于是,生命是个任人摆布的傀儡,古老的歌曲在他心中回荡,他重新找回了自我。 ?The call of the wild Theme Presenter:曹嘉惠 30号 a return to primitivism survival of the strongest a reflection of society 1 2 3 Theme a return to primitivism Old longings nomadic leap, Chafing at customs chain; Again from its brumal sleep; Wakens the ferine strain. 古老荒野的欲望在升腾, 挣脱着习俗的束缚, 再一次从它冬日的长眠中, 唤醒野性不驯的旋律。 Buck released his innate characteristics and retur


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