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钓鱼岛事件 Japan Rejects Chinas Demand for Apology Japan has rejected a demand from China for an apology and compensation for holding a Chinese fishing boat captain for more than two weeks. Several hours after Japan released the captain Saturday, Beijing issued the demand, calling the captains detention unlawful. ? Japans Foreign Ministry called the demand groundless and unacceptable. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Saturday said the detention seriously violated Chinas sovereignty and the human rights of the captain. It also said the disputed islands at the heart of the diplomatic standoff are indisputably Chinese territory. A Chinese chartered airplane flew the captain, Zhan Qixiong, out of a Japanese airport early Saturday.? Japanese prosecutors cited the deepening rift between Beijing and Tokyo in their decision to release the captain. Earlier in New York, where world leaders are meeting for the U.N. General Assembly, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Japan and China are important neighbors with key responsibilities and must cooperate with one another. A U.S. State Department spokesman, P.J. Crowley, welcomed the decision to release the captain and said he hoped it would ease tensions between the Asian neighbors. The Chinese captain had been held since his fishing boat collided with two Japanese patrol boats near disputed islands. China demanded the captains immediate release and canceled a number of high-level meetings with Japan. Japanese traders say China also cut off exports to Japan of so-called rare earths, which are used to manufacture high-tech products essential to Japans economy.? China has denied taking the step. Meanwhile, China is investigating four Japanese nationals suspected of illegally filming military targets in the country. The disputed islands - called Diaoyu by China and Senkaku by Japan - are uninhabited.? But the waters around them are rich fishing territory and are believed to hold undersea natura



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