新标准大学英语unit 7概要1.ppt

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新标准大学英语unit 7概要1

reminder     n. [C] (usu. sing) 1) sth. that reminds you of sth. that happened in the past 提醒记忆之物 e.g. These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war. 这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。 2) a letter or note that reminds you of sth. that you need to do or need to remember (提醒人记住某事的)提示信件;提示便条 e.g. If the customer doesnt pay, we send a reminder with a red sticker on it. 如果客户不付款,我们寄去一份上面贴有红条的催缴单。 Word family: remind v. Words Phrases subsequent     a. (fml.) happening or coming after sth. else 随后的;继……之后的 e.g. 1. The events Im speaking of were subsequent to the war. 我说的事情都是战后发生的。 2. The problem will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters. 这个问题将在后面几章详细讨论。 Word family: subsequence n. Words Phrases timescale     n. [C] the period of time when sth. happens or is done (某事发生或完成的)时间段,时标 e.g. 1. We hope the negotiations will be completed within a six-month timescale. 我们希望谈判在六个月的期间之内完成。 2. The timescale for completing the work would be fairly tight. 完成这项工作的时间很紧。 Words Phrases prophecy      n. 1) [C] a statement about a future event made by someone with religious or magic powers (某人认定会发生的事情的)预言 e.g. This prophecy has now been amply fulfilled. 这个预言今天已完全成为现实了。 2) [U] the ability to see what will happen in the future 预知未来的能力 e.g. He seemed to have the gift of prophecy. 他似乎有预言的天赋。 Word family: prophet n. [C] 预言者,先知 Words Phrases disprove     vt. prove that sth. is not correct or true 证明……不正确;证明……虚假;反驳 e.g. 1. Some of the information is true, some is false, and some is impossible to prove or disprove. 这些消息有些是真的,有些是假的,有些则完全无法证实真假。 2. Our opponents tried to make a great deal of a small mistake in our calculations in order to disprove our whole argument. 我们的对手们想利用我们计算中的一个小小失误来反驳我们的整个论点。 Antonym: prove Words Phrases alive and kicking: 1) alive and vigorously active 还存在的;不被忘却的 e.g. Traditional jazz is still alive and kicking in New Orleans. 传统的爵士乐在新奥尔良仍富有生命力。 2) definitely alive 尚健在的;活蹦乱


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