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276 药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 2009, 44 (3) : 27628 1 多靶点药物分子设计 郭彦伸, 郭宗儒* (中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院药物研究所, 北京 100050) 摘要: 作用于单一分子靶标的药物治愈多基因相关疾病如癌症、或影响多个组织或细胞类型的疾病如糖尿病 等存在的问题逐渐被人们所认识。与选择性药物的治疗作用相比,几个靶标间的平衡调节能够提供较好的疗效 和较低的副作用,同时作用于多个靶标的多靶点药物能够较好地控制复杂的疾病。本文详细比较分析了单靶点 药物的不足和多靶点药物的优势,介绍了多靶点配体药物分子设计的方法及需要优化的参数。对于多靶点药物 设计,关键的挑战是如何保证获得平衡的活性同时又能够实现选择性以及适当的药代动力学性质。到目前为止, 多靶点药物分子设计的方法对于药物化学家、药理学家、毒理学家以及生物化学家仍然是一项新的挑战。 关键词: 多靶点配体; 药效团组合; 药物分子设计 中图分类号: R916.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 0513-4870 (2009) 03-0276-06 Design of multiple targeted drugs * GUO Yan-shen, GUO Zong-ru (Institute Materia M edica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beij ing 100050, China) Abstract: Drugs designed to act on individual molecular targets usually can not combat multigenic diseases such as cancer, or diseases that affect multiple tissues or cell types such as diabetes. Increasingly, it is being recognised that a balanced modulation of several targets can provide a superior therapeutic effect and side effect profile compared to the action of a selective ligand. The multi-target drugs which impact multiple targets simultaneously are better at controlling complex disease systems and are less prone to drug resistance. Here, we compare the disadvantage of the selective ligands and the predominance of multi-targets drugs in detail and introduce the approaches of designing multiple ligands and the procedure of optimization particularly. A key challenge in the design of multiple ligands is attaining a balance


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