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Warm up Game: 有奖问答 羊的各种说法 sheep -羊,通常是指绵羊 ewe-成年的母羊 ram-成年的公羊 lamb-羔羊-a baby sheep goat-山羊 A lost sheep 迷途的羔羊 A wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼 中文里的“羊”成语 亡羊补牢-better late than never 羊肠小道-a long ,narrow winding road 顺手牵羊-walk away with something Lesson 45 New words Ask and answer Who wants Daisys old camera? Who wants another camera? Let me think 让我想想 W:What kind of camera has Claire got ,Jack ? J:Let me think. Its a Japanese one. remember v. 记得 I know! 我知道了! I see! J:I cant remember the name. Oh,yes! I know! Its an Ixus,a Canon Ixus. lucky adj. 幸运的 lucky dog luck n. 幸运 Good luck! another(三者以上的)另一个 eg:I have eaten some apples. Could you give me another apple? W:Lucky Claire! Thats a very fine camera! J: Yes,it is. Its a very expensive camera,too , but Claire wants another one. like v. 喜欢 Do you like it? W:Why? Doesnt she like that one ? J: Well,she likes it , but she wants a new one ? birthday n. 生日 birth n. 出生 起源 day n. 天 Happy birthday! at any time adv. 随时,任何时候 Welcome at any time. 随时欢迎。 J:Its one of Daisys old cameras. Claire wants a new one for her birthday. W:She can give me the old one at any time! Just bring it here! kind 种,类 lucky 幸运的 Let me think让我想想 like 喜欢 another 另一个 Japanese 日本的 remember 记得 birthday 生日 I know 我知道了 at any time 随时,任何时候 Pronunciation there Claire chair fair downstairs where careful Lesson 46 New words British adj. 英国的 n. 英国人 Britain n. 英国 German adj. 德国的 n. 德语 德国人 Germany n. 德国 plastic n. 塑料 leather n. 皮革 CD player (复合名词) CD播放器 Italian adj. 意大利的 n. 意大利人 意大利语 Italy n. 意大利 Korean adj. 韩国的 n.韩国人 朝鲜人 韩语 朝鲜语 Korea n. 韩国 朝鲜 handbag n. 手提包 clock n. 钟 Swiss adj. 瑞士的 n. 瑞士人 Switzerland n. 瑞士 British 英国的 watch


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