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must 必须(情态动词) 后接动词原形 must do sth. 用法: 一、表“必须”。 I must go. 我必须得走了。 I must find my book.我必须找到我的书。 二.在否定结构中表不许。 You mustn‘t leave here.你不能离开这儿。 Q1: What’s Lucy’s problem? Q2: When is Lucy’s music lesson? Q3: What time is it now? Q4: When can Karen call Linda? Karen: 快点儿,露西! 家庭作业 听力 Thanks, Linda. Bye! Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag. It isn’t there. Are you sure? Yes, Mum. Look! Oh! Here it is! What a surprise! Please hurry up(赶快), Lucy! It’s six o’clock. It’s Ok, Mum. I’m ready. Can we go now, please? English lesson 2:15 Mei Yangyang: Come on! Hurry up! Xi Yangyang: Am I late? Mei Yangyang: Yes, you are. Your English lesson’s at a quarter past two and it’s two o’clock now! Xi Yangyang: Oh, no! I must do my homework. Sports lesson 2:45 I must hurry. Music lesson 8:15 I must wash my hands. 1 2 A: Come on! Hurry up! B: Am I late? A: Yes, you are. Your _____ lesson’s at _____ and it’s ____ now! B: Oh, no! I must ________. She can’t find her music book. Lucy’s music lesson is at half past six. It’s a quarter to six now. Karen can call Karen at half past nine. 你的音乐课是六点半,现在已经5点三刻了! 出什么事了? Lucy: 我找不到音乐书了。 Karen: 噢,天哪! 很抱歉,琳达。 我必须得走了! Lucy: 妈妈!我必须找到我的书! Come on, Lucy! Your music lesson is at half past six, and it’s a quarter to six now! What’s the problem? I can’t find my music book. Oh dear! I’m sorry, Linda. I must go! Mum! I must find my book! Answer my questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $100 $200 $300 $100 $200 $300 $300 $300 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 It’s half past one. What time is it? $100 It’s a quarter to two. What time is it? $100 A. on B. at C. in D. on It’s Lucy’s music lesson ____ half past six. $100 A. to B. past C. of D. on Can I call you at half ____ nine? $200 Hello, Linda.____ to ____ to you. nice, speak $200 can, at half ___ I call you ___ ___ past nine? * Unit 20 What a surprise! 1 surprise[s?‘praiz] n.惊奇、意外 What a surprise!好一个意外呀! What a/an +


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