高中语法课件Words ---- Parts of speech.ppt

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高中语法课件Words ---- Parts of speech

1 2 3 ? ? 1 2 3 4 * * come first Public?affairs?should?come?first.?? rank first Our?products?rank?first?among?similar?products.? out of work(失业)/order(发生故障)/control(失去控制)/date(过期的)/temper(发脾气)/patience(不耐烦)/mind(心不在焉)/money(手头没钱)/reach(够不到)/breath(喘不过气)/danger(脱离危险) in danger/use/public ahead of time We?completed?the?work?five?days?ahead?of?time. in debt under repair/construction day and night side by side shoulder to shoulder from morning till dark hand in hand from door to door He?begged?from?door?to?door.? from house to house by weight by bike by law at war on board 在船(火车、飞机)上 catch fire Paper?is?apt?to?catch?fire.? face to face 冠词的其他常考的几个难点: 抽象名词具体化 a heavy rain, a surprise, a pleasure, a success, a failure, an unforgettable experience 2. 形容词比较级和最高级前面的冠词不同,意思也不同。比较下列四句子: Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? I have never seen a better car. It is the most useful book. It is a most useful book. 3. the +序数词和a/an+序数词的区别,前者表示排序,后者表示“再一(个),又一(个)” 如:再给我一个机会,好吗? Can you give me _____ second chance, please? 4、表示独一无二的事物一般前面加定冠词,但如果此类名词有修饰成分,也可能加a/an 如 a full moon, a better world 5、牢记高考中常见的纯粹不可数名词:weather, fun, advice, word=news, progress, information, news He has made rapid progress in English. 6、表示演奏乐器的时候,乐器前面加定冠词the,但是当作普通名词的时候也可用a/an。中国乐器前不用冠词。 play the piano, play the violin, play erhu 题组训练: Many people are still in ____ habit of writing silly things in ____ public places. He likes to talk on the phone while I prefer writing _____ letters. Water is changed into _____ steam by heat and into _____ ice by cold. ____ (W)water in the well is sweet. His daughter is always shy in _____ public and she never dares to make a speech to _____ public. He turned _____ politician many years ago. ?the ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/ ?The ?/ ?the ?/ 7. I didn’t think my chances of ______ success were very good. 9. The gift came as _____ complete surprise to me. 10. He expressed ______ surprise that no one had offered to help. 11. Of her plays, three were successes an


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