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高二九月份月考题 时间_________ 满分100分 第I卷 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. --- Can I help you? --- No. Thank you for ______ to help, but I can manage it myself. A. proving B. supplying C. giving D. offering 2. Teachers’ words and deeds always ______ a great effect ________ their students. A. have; on B. give; to C. make; on D. take; to 3. Now I see you want to _______ the position as you said just now. Could you please give me a brief ______ your intention? A. apply for; account of B. react to; introduction about C. reply for; description of D. remind of; instruction about 4. They have suggested that all the facts _______ known to the public. A. make B. are made C. be made D. should make 5. My cellphone requires ______. It doesn’t work now. A. mending B. to mend C. mended D. being mended 6. These tickets are _______ for 5 days only. A. favorite B. available C. convenient D. familiar 7. Peter differs _____ his brother and sisters _____ many ways. A. to , in B. with , from C. from ,with D. from , in 8. He _____ his leg when he ______ in a football match. A. broke, played B. was breaking, was playing C, broke, was playing D, was breaking, played 9. Much notice has been ______ the problems with the home-staying children in China. A. paid to B. kept on C. taken of D. made up 10. He made no response ________ the plan, which is considered to be essential. A. to B. for C. on D. at 11. I took it _____ that he would be glad to accept my invitation, but he didn’t at all. A. for sure B. for certain C. for granted D. for example 12. Life is often _______ voyage. A. comparing wi


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