新概念第二册lesson51 Reward For Virtue概要1.ppt

新概念第二册lesson51 Reward For Virtue概要1.ppt

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新概念第二册lesson51 Reward For Virtue概要1

6、He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. lead sb. into(进门); show sb. out(出门); see sb. off(送行) 7、It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. obviously adv. = it was obvious that…(it 为形式主语) 显然…… 8.He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. So…that 如此。。以至于 She was so excited that she couldn’t speak. Such …that He was such a honest boy that everybody likes him. 他很诚实,每个人都喜欢他。 【Key structures】 一般过去时 与一般过去时常用的两个词是once和recently,recently在表示“最近一段时期”时也可以与现在完成时连用。 一般过去时可以用于时间状语从句中,一般过去时可以用于与最近的打算比较时。 【Special difficulties】 Raise and Rise. Raise 作动词时只能作及物动词,即它必须跟宾语。它可以表示“举起,往上提,使……升高”等含义: Will those who agree with me please raise their hands? Why did they raise prices? Heavy rains have raised the level of the river this year. Rise 作动词时通常为不及物动词,表示“起立,起床,(日、月等)升起”等含义: You’re still in bed and the sun has already risen! All the students rose when the teacher came into the classroom. Lay and Lie. lay(laid,laid) vt. 置,搁,铺,准备 I laid your clothes on the bed so you could put them away. If you can’t cook the dinner, you can at least lay the table. lie(lay,lain) vi. 躺,平卧 Are you going to spend the whole morning lying in bed? Beat and Win. beat vt. 打败,战胜,胜过,超过 They beat their enemy, though they were fewer in number. I beat you. 我打败了你。 表示一个球队打败另一个球队也用beat。 win vt. 在……获胜(成功),赢得,获得,夺得 Who won the race/ the war? beat后面接对手,win不能接对手。 Hugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet. He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight. When the writer visited him yesterday, he hid a large parcel under his desk. The parcel contained chocolates and sweets. Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict. * 参考译文 我的朋友休一直很胖, 但是近来情况变得越发糟糕, 以致他决定节食. 他是一星期前开始节食的. 首先, 他开列了一张长长的单子, 上面列了所有禁吃的食物. 这张单子上的大多数食物都是休喜欢吃的 : 黄油、土豆、米饭、啤酒、牛奶、巧克力和糖果. 昨天我去看望了他. 我按响了门铃. 当看到休仍和往常一样胖时, 我并不感到惊奇. * 他把我领进屋, 慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面. 显然他感到很尴尬. 当我问他正干什么时, 他内疚地笑了, 然后


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