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第33卷第10期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol. 33, No. 10 2 0 12 年 10 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversit ( Natural Science) O ct. 2 0 1 2 PMN- PT 1, 2 1 李勤男 , 祁 阳 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 999093) : PMN- PT , , 094PMN- 0. 06PT ; ; 200 001 MPa , , : ; PMN- PT ; ; ; : T F 125 : A : 1005-3026( 2012) 10- 1428-04 Fabrication of Low Hysteresis PMN- PT Stack Actuator 1, 2 1 RI K un-nam , QI Yang ( 1. School of Sciences, Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110819, China; 2. Facult of Material Science, Kim IL Sung Universit , P ong ang 999093, DPR of Korea. Corresponding author: RI Kun-nam, E-mail: ferrosol @ 163. com) Abstract: PM N-PT electrostrictive ceramics w ere prepared b columbite method, and their electrostrictive properties w ere investigated. The conditions for preparing the stack actuator b ceramic thick films and its properties w ere investigated. The results show ed that the strain h steresis of 0. 94PMN-0. 06PT is the lowest. The stack ceramic thick films prepared b the rolling process have high densities and good properties. When the forming pressure and the pressure during calcining and sintering are 200M Pa and 0. 01M Pa, respectivel , for the fabrication of stack actuator, the strain h steresis of 0. 94PM N-0. 06PT stack actuator is lower than 1% and the actuator has good w orking properties. Key words: rolling process; PMN-PT ; stack actuator; strain h steresis; relaxor ferroelectric ( 1- x ) Pb( Mg Nb ) O PbTiO ( PM N , , 10 V 1/ 3 2/ 3 3- x 3 - PT ) ( screen printing) , ( tape casting ) ( electrophoretic


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