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Drug Evaluation Research 第 36 卷 第 6 期 2013 年 12 月 - 463 - 原子吸收分光光度法测定芩连抗病毒合剂中的铅 1 2 王 静 ,岳燕霞 1. 漯河市食品药品检验所,河南 漯河 462000 2. 漯河食品职业学院,河南 漯河 462000 摘 要:目的 建立芩连抗病毒合剂中铅含量测定的原子吸收分光光度法。方法 采用石墨炉原子吸收法,检测波长为 283.3 nm ,灯电流为 9 mA,狭缝宽度为 0.5 nm 。结果 铅的质量浓度在 0~0.20 μg/mL 与吸光度线性关系良好 r =0.999 5,回收 率为 98.7%,RSD =2.1% (n =3 )。结论 所建方法能够简便、快速、准确的测定芩连抗病毒合剂中铅的含量。 关键词:芩连抗病毒合剂;原子吸收分光光度法;铅 中图分类号:R927.11 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 6376 (2013) 06 - 0463 - 02 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-6376.2013.06.015 Determination of Pb in Qinlian Kangbingdu Mixture by atomic absorption spectrometry 1 2 WANG Jing , YUE Yan-xia 1. Luohe Institute for Food and Drug Control in Henan Province, Luohe 462000, China 2. Luohe Food and Vacational College, Luohe 462000, China Abstract: Objective To establish an atomic absorption spectrometry method for determination of Pb in Qinlian Kangbingdu Mixture (QKM). Methods To establish the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) method for the determination. The determined wavelength was at 283.3 nm, the electric current of the light was 9 mA, and the slit-width was 0.5 nm. Results The good linear relationship was shown in the range of 0 ~ 0.20 μg/mL for Pb by GFAAS with the regression coefficient of 0.999 5. The average recovery rate was 98.7%, RSD = 2.1% (n = 3). Conclusion The method is simple, accurate sensitive, and suitable for the determination of Pb content in QKM. Key words: Qinlian Kangbingdu Mixture; atomic absorption spectrometry; Pb 芩连抗病毒合剂是漯河市中心医院制剂室配制 子吸收法用于元素分析已有几十年历史,方法相对 的特色制剂,由黄芩、黄连、玄参、生地黄、连翘、 成熟,仪器设备易普及,测定灵敏准确[1] 。因此, 板蓝根、牛蒡子(炒)、薄荷、白僵蚕(麸炒)、升 参考相关文献[1-3],建立了简便、快速、准确的原子 麻(炒)等 14 味中药制成,具有清热解毒、疏风散 吸收分光光度法测定芩连抗病毒合剂中重金属铅的 邪的功效,临床上主要用于四季感冒、症见恶寒、



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