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【原汁原味】 美国 MBA 导师 迈克尔·R·所罗门 授课讲义 《消费者行为学》英文(珍贵) 1 C H A P T E R 1 Chapter 1: Consumers Rule CONSUMERS RULE CHAPTER SUMMARY As students will soon see, the field of consumer behavior covers a lot of ground. Whether the consumer is on a shopping trip to the mall or surfing on the Internet, general principles and theories of consumer behavior apply. The formal definition of consumer behavior used in the text is “the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.” Consumers can be seen as actors on the marketplace stage. As in a play, each consumer has lines, props, and costumes that are necessary to put on a good performance. The roles that consumers perform are among the most important elements to be studied in consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is also an economic process where exchanges take place. These exchanges often involve many players. In fact, consumers may even take the form of organizations or groups. Whatever the composition, the decisions made by the consumer and these other players are critical to an exchange being carried out successfully to the benefit of all concerned parties. Market segmentation is an important aspect of consumer behavior. Consumers can be segmented along many dimensions. One such dimension is demographics (the statistics that measure the observable aspects of a population, such as age or birth rate). One of the important reasons for segmenting markets is to be able to build lasting relationships (relationship marketing) with the customers. Marke


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