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5 1 () V o.l 5 N o. 1 2005 3 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORM AL UN IVER SITY ( ENG IN EER ING AND TE CHNOLOGY ) M ar. 2005 无线激光打靶器系统建模与设计 1 1 1 2 谢海燕, 谢 勇 , 顾敏芬, 梁忠诚 ( 1. , 2 10097; 2. , 2 10042 ) [] . , . , , , . IC . , , . , , , . . [] , , [ ] TN 242, [] B, [] 1672-1292-( 2005) 01-0068-04 M odeling and D esign of a N ew Laser Target Practice Sy stem 1 1 1 2 X IE Ha iyan , X IE Y ong , GU M infen , L IANG Z hongcheng ( 1. S chool of Phy s cal Sc ence and T echno logy, N anj ng N orm al U n vers ty, J angsu N anj ng, 2 10097, Ch na; 2. School of E lectr cal and A utom at on Eng n eer ng, N anj ng N orma lU n vers ty, J angsu N anj ng 2 10042, Ch na) A bstract: The paper ntroduces the bas c pr nc ple of the laser targe t pract ce system, and spec f ca lly llu stra tes the w ho le des gn of dev ce from hardw are and so ftw are aspects. T he system u ses cod ng and decod ng o f nform at on to re- al ze the sepa rat on betw een the targ et and the gun. N ame ly, t uses d g ta l pulse cod ng m e thod to m odulate the s g- na l o f contro l system, and send ou t a ser es of l ght pu lses loaded w th nform a t on. By the m ed um o f a r and po lym er opt cal f be r, an array of photoe lectr c d odes conve rt opt ca l s gna ls rece ved n scann ng process and decod ng process nto e lectr c s gnals. Am pl f ed and adjusted, the e lectr c s gna l s sent to S ng le Ch p M c rocom puter


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