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28   12     Vol.28, No.12 2008 12 ACTA OPTICA SI NI CA December, 2008 :0253-2239 (2008)12-2277-04 基于高光谱图像技术的水果表面农药残留检测试验研究 1, 2 2 2 薛 龙  黎 静  刘木华 1 2 (, 3300 13;, 330045)  , 。 1 ∶20, 1∶100 1 ∶1000 。10 , 120 μL, 200 μL 400 μL, 3×3 。 168 h , 。 625~725 nm , (PCA) , (PC-3)。, 。  ;;;;  T S20 1.6    A    doi:10.3788/AO2277 Detecting Pesticide Residue on Navel Orange Surface by Using Hyperspectral Imaging 1 2 2 Xue Long  Li Jing  Liu Muhua 1School of M echan ical an d Electronical Engin eering, E ast China Jiaot ong University, Nan chang , Jiangxi 3300 13, Chin a 2 Engineering College, J iangxi Agricu ltural University, Nan chang , Jiangxi 330045, Chin a Abstract The Detection of fruit contaminate with pesticide residue is a pub ic hea th concern.The pesticide was di uted to 1 ∶20, 1∶100 and 1 ∶1000 so ution with disti ed water.A 3×3 matrix of di utions was app ied to 10 c eaned samp e with 120 μL, 200 μL and 400 μL.After 168h, hyperspectra images in the wav e ength range from 625 nm to 725 nm are taken.The characteristic wave ength images are achieved by principa component ana y sis (PCA ). Combining the 3rd principa component (PC)image with proper image processing methods detects the pesticide residue on nave orange.This research shows that the techno ogy of hyperspectra imaging can be used to effectiv e y detect pesticide residue on fruit surface. Key words  medica optics and biotechno ogy;


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