杭州高级中学2017届高三语 文月考.doc

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杭州高级中学2017届高三语 文月考

杭州高级中学2012届高三语 文月考 自选模块 题号:01 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块优孟学孙叔敖死后,孟穿戴了的衣冠去见楚庄王,神态和孙叔敖一模一样。题号:02 不等式选讲的最大值; (2)求证:. 题号:04 “坐标系与参数方程 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知椭圆:(a>b>0),α的直线l的参数方程为(t为参数). (1)求定点P的坐标; (2)设直线l与椭圆交于A,B两点,当α取遍的每一个值时,求的最小值. 英?? 语? 题号:05 阅读理解I need a tutor for my child? Every parent at some point in time thinks about that. As a parent one should help his child to overcome difficulties with school. That a child refuses to go to school or does not show interest in school is an indication that he or she needs the attention of the parent. An amazing fact is that pupils are very enthusiastic and energetic about going to school and learning different things. 1 . Both cases mean children need a tutor who teaches study skills. 2 . Many teachers don’t have the time to properly help individual students that need it due to large class sizes. When a child is found to have problems in studies, a tutor can be hired to teach him the basic study skills. 3 . A long period of school can be missed due to some sort of accident, illness or perhaps a family vacation. A child usually finds it difficult to catch up after missing extended periods of class time. Maybe your child isn’t meeting your expectations or even their own. Failing to meet goals can lead to lowering or \giving up expectations. 4 . Even if your child is only falling the tiniest bit short of his goals, a tutor can be an important aid in keeping determination at a high level. There are always going to be signals for you to see if your child is having problems. For example, sleeping in class; being absent-minded in class; playing cellphones or other things; being unable to finish homework on time. 第一节: 根据短文内容,从A, B, C, D, E中选出最合适放入短文空缺处的选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。 When a child has any of these problems a tutor can certainly be of help. One reaches desire for higher goals when successfully meeting goals. But difficulties in learning at school can sometimes make the child hate going to school. Children may find st


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