IC制程用193nm光阻剂之制备及微影性质研究Study on Synthesis and.PDF

IC制程用193nm光阻剂之制备及微影性质研究Study on Synthesis and.PDF

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IC制程用193nm光阻剂之制备及微影性质研究Study on Synthesis and

國立臺灣大學 「台大工程」學刊 第八十四期 民國九十一年二月 第67– 8 3 頁 67 Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No. 84, February 2002, pp. 67– 83 IC 製程用193nm光阻劑之製備及微影性質研究 STUDY ON SYNTHESIS AND LITHOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE OF 193nm PHOTORESIST 柯正達* 傅士奇† 謝國煌** Jeng -Dar Ko Shih -Chi Fu Kuo -Huang Hsieh *†研究生 **教授 國立台灣大學化學工程學研究所 *† ** Graduate student Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, R.O.C. Abstract 摘 要 This work is focused on the ArF photoresist which is the key chemicals for the next generation of integrated circuit (IC) manufacture. Polymethacrylate and Cycloolefin 本文章針對新一世代I C 製程用193nm光阻劑,設計製 copolymers were synthesized for use as single layer 備一系列的壓克力與環烯類 (Cycloolefin) 單層光阻,深入 photoresists. The effect of composition, the developing 的探討樹脂組成、光阻劑顯影條件的變化、以及光阻劑反 processes, and the kinetic reaction of the photoresist on the 應動力因素,與光阻劑微影性質間的關係。本文章第一部 lithographic performance were investigated. The first part 份首先探討商用光阻劑中四成份:MAA 、MMA 、TBMA及 of this work was to investigate effect of each component of the commercialized acrylate photoresist, which is the MAA, IBMA在光阻劑間的角色,藉由對比曲線與微影圖形,明瞭 MMA, TBMA, and IBMA, on the contrast curve and the 各成分組成變化對光阻劑微影性質之影響。本文章之第二 lithographic performance of the photoresist. In


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