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25 卷第 1 期 资  源  科  学 Vol. 25 ,No. 1 2003 年 1 月 RESOURCES SCIENCE Jan. ,2003 复杂地形条件下的太阳资源辐射计算方法研究 何洪林 ,于贵瑞 ,牛 栋 ( 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 ,北京  100101)   摘要 :借鉴国内外已有的太阳辐射计算方法 ,考虑地形和大气衰减因子 ,通过组件技术实现 GIS 与太 阳总辐射计算模型集成 ,建立了太阳潜在总辐射计算模型。同时利用我国 107 个气象观测站的多年逐日太 阳辐射资料 ,假设多年中有 1d 为晴朗无云的天气 , 即取多年中的最大太阳总辐射值为该计算日的潜在日 总辐射值 ,进行模型检验 ,证明该方法可行。 关键词 :数字高程模型 ; 太阳总辐射 ; 组件技术 ; 地理信息系统 ( ) 中图分类号:P4221 ;N39 ;N949   文献标识码 :B   文章编号 :1007 - 7588 2003 01 - 0078 - 08 METHOD OF GLOBAL SOLAR RADIATION CALCULATION ON COMPLEX TERRITORIES HE Honglin , YU Guirui , NIU Dong ( Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research , CAS , Beijing 100101 , China) Abstract :With reference to calculation methods of solar radiation within domestic and abroad literature and taking territorial and atmosphere factors into consideration , a new model for potential solar radiation calcula tion combining COM (Component Object Model) technique and GIS with the calculation model of global solar radiation is established. Therefore , the potential total solar radiation is calculated based on solar radiation da ta observed from 107 meteorology stations. In the calculation , its hypothesis is that insofar one clear day in more than one year as the biggest value of solar radiation of one day in many years is defined as potential val ue of daily global solar radiation. Validation result indicates that this model is reasonable and applicable. Key words :DEM; Global solar radiation ; COM technology ; GIS 1  引言 域或国家尺度的栅格太阳辐射数据库 ,进行区域



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