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第六册第三单元选词填空 P61 1) The Marlows were always _____about their neighbors, often fussing about nothing. suspicious 马洛夫妇/一家人总是怀疑邻居,常常没事大惊小怪的。 2) After such a confrontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be _____. out of the question 两党如此对峙,任何和解都不可能了。 3) He got the money dishonestly, by _____ his brother’s signature on a check. forging 他是通过欺骗手段得到那笔钱的,他在支票上伪造了哥哥/弟弟的签名。 4) The older generation often_____ on the ideas of the young. frowns 老一代常常不赞成年轻人的观点。 5)The price of this brand is ten times that of other brands and this is totally _____ ordinary people. beyond the reach of 这个品牌的价格是其他牌子的十倍,普通人完全买不起。 6) Anger_____ within him when he heard of the injustice. surged up 他听到这个不公平的事情时义愤填膺。 7) Despite her sincere apologies for her mistake, Jenny’s colleagues would not forgive her and treated her with_____ and disdain. scorn 尽管詹妮为自己的错误真诚道歉,她的同事们也不原谅她,轻蔑和鄙视她。 8) The architect knew that his clients were very particular about the new house he had designed for them, and he was careful in _____ the building all along the way. supervising 那个建筑师明白他的客户特别在乎他为他们设计好的新房,所以他从头到尾认真监督房子的修建。 9) As a strong leader, John is _____ enough to make tough decisions whenever there is a need. bold 作为一个坚强的领导,有需要时约翰总能大胆地做出艰难的决定。 10) I longed to understand her struggles, but in her broken English she was only able to paint a _____ picture of her life. crude 我渴望能明白她是怎么努力的,但是她只能用断断续续的英语简单讲述她的生活。 11) This week is too terrible a time for me to be in the _____ to play, with semester exams coming up next week. mood 这周对我来说太糟糕了,根本没有心情玩,下周就该期末考试了。 12) On the train Stan, _____through the magazine, caught a glimpse of a photo of Jenny the top fashion model. thumbing 史丹在火车上翻看杂志时,瞥见了最有名的模特詹妮的照片。 13) Her first_____ venture was opening a beauty parlor in the central business district of the city. commercial 她第一次商业冒险是在城中心商业区开了一家美容院。 14) The ten-year-old girl was often sent out _____ by her mother. on errands 那个10女孩常常为她妈妈跑腿。 15) Thanks to the lesson of the Titanic, ship captains travelling in


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