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Unit 1 Living a Full Life 1 adversity struggle/ battle with adversity 与困境搏斗 find value in adversity 在苦难中发现价值 grow through/ weather adversity 经受苦难 the trials of adversity 苦难的考验 2 aftermath the aftermath of a war/ storm/ accident/ tsunami(海啸)/ earthquake 3 alleyway alleyway: a narrow street between or behind buildings, not usually used by cars. 胡同,里弄,小街,小巷 lane: narrow road esp. in the country or city (乡间的)小路;小巷 航线,车道 4 altruism:利他主义 egoism:利己主义 5 anodyne:(贬) After their meeting, the two leaders produced an anodyne statement that didn’t really say anything at all. 6 aspire 玛丽想上大学 Mary aspired to go to college. 他渴望成为一名律师 He aspired to become a lawyer. 7 dazed: If sb is dazed, they are confused and unable to think clearly, often because of shock or blow to the head.头昏眼花的 If sb is puzzled, they are confused because they do not understand sth. 感到困惑的 8 encompass 1) If sth encompasses particular things, it includes them包含 a work that encompasses the entire range of the world’s religious belief 2) To encompass a place means to completely surround or cover it.围住,覆盖 The thick fog soon encompassed the whole valley. 9 excruciating: extremely painful either physically or emotionally I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn’t move. 10 hallucinate: to see or hear things that are not really there either because you are ill or because you have taken a drug. 饥饿使他产生了幻觉 Hunger made him hallucinate. 11 harrowing 痛苦的日子 have a harrowing time 痛苦的经历 harrowing experience 熬过痛苦的时刻 survive a harrowing moment 12 ineffable ineffable sadness 痛苦不堪 ineffable ecstasy 狂喜 his ineffably powerful brain 最强大脑 13 neurological 神经的 neuro- neurology 神经学 neurologist神经病学家 14 ordeal: difficult or stressful experience or situation the painful ordeal of the last eight months trauma: a very severe shock or very upsetting experience which may cause psychological damage精神上的创伤或痛苦的经历 post-traumatic growth/ stress


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