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Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo A Red Light for Scofflaws --对违反法律者亮红灯 Logo [1~2] Scofflawry seems to become the trend. Structure 1 [3] The dangers of scofflawry vary widely. 2 [4~5] A typical case of scofflawry: red-light running 3 [6~8] Its about the nature , the cause and the suggestion of scofflawry. 4 Logo 句子分析 [1]Yet it is painfully appaeent that milliions of Americans ﹛who would never think of themselves as lawbreak- ers,let along criminals,﹜(定语从句1)are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes ﹛that are designed to protect and nourish their society﹜(定语从句2). it是形式主语;that引导的从句为真正的主语。 译文:然而,令人烦恼的显然是,数以百万计的英国人尽管从没有认为自己会违反法律,更不用说会成为罪犯了,却正在越来越随便地破坏那些专为保护与造福他们的社会所制定的法规。 Logo 句子分析 Diagram 2 [2]Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. 以比较级形式,表现最高级的意思; 译文:支持莱斯曼观点(谁守法谁就是傻瓜)的证据是再明显不过的了。 Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. 对...视而不见 译文:吸烟成瘾的人们对“不准吸烟”的告示牌熟视无睹。 Logo 句子分析 [3]The person﹛who illegally spits on the sidewalk ﹜(定语从句1)remains disgusting, but clearly poses less risk to others than the company ﹛that illegally buries hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location﹜.(定语从句2) 译文:在人行道上随地吐痰当然令人厌恶,但是很明显,比起那些违法地在未经许可的地区掩埋危险化学废料的公司对他人造成的危害要小得多。 Logo 句子分析 [5]If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaws salute to the force of law-and-order. 译文:如果说伪善是邪恶向美德呈献的赞美,那么 偷偷摸摸就是违法者向法律和秩序的威力所表示的衷心的敬意了。 Logo 句子分析 [6]It is not really surprising when schools find,as some do,that children frequently enter ﹛not knowing some of the basic rules of living together﹜. that...宾语从句 “not knowing…” 动名词表伴随修饰enter?作children的定语? 译文:当有些学校发现,孩子们入学时经常连最起码的集体生活规则都不懂时,就不足为奇了(而有些学校的确认为不足为奇)。 Logo 句子分析 [6]It is not really surprising when schools find,as some do,that children frequently enter ﹛not knowing some of the basic rules of



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