研究生精读Unit Sixtext.ppt概要1.ppt

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研究生精读Unit Sixtext.ppt概要1

Unit Six Two Truths to Live by Hold fast, and let go: Understand this paradox, and you stand at the very gate of wisdom Structure analysis 1. Introduction: the art of living is know when to hold fast and when to let go. 2. (2-9) one pole of life’s paradoxical demands: hold fast. We should hold fast to life, for life is full of beauty, but people are too often heedless of it (2-3), then the author used one of his experiences to support this (4-8), and concluded that we should seize every golden minute, hour and day, cherish all the wonders around us while they are still there. 3. (10-12)another pole: learn to let go. Not easy to learn and why (12), but we have to because life is a process of losing. 4. (13-17). Everything is going to lose, then why hold fast? (13-15) ---lives are finite, but our deeds stay. Then how to make a meaningful life (16-17) Detailed study Language points Sentence patterns Live by As men do not live by bread alone, they do not fight by armments alone. 如同人们并不单靠着面包生活,他们也不单靠着武器来作战。 Well, I suppose that we that live by the sword shall perish by the sword. 依我看,操刀为生者必死在刀下。 cling to 1. 紧握不放 The small child clung to its mother. 那小孩紧紧抓住母亲不放。 2. 忠实于 One should cling to ones friends. 对朋友应该忠实。 3. 坚持 After so many years, she was still clinging to the hope that he could return. 许多年过去了,她仍抱着他会回来的希望。 break through break through: make a way through 突破,透过 --- The sun broke through the clouds. 太阳钻出云层来了。 --- The enemy’s defences were strong but our soldiers broke it through. ? all too often ?时常 Students make the mistake like this all too often. 学生多次犯像这样的错误。 His driving licence was withdrawn, but he practically asked for it.Hed violated traffic rules all too often. 他的驾驶执照被吊销了,但实际上是他自找的,他违反交通规则的次数实在太多了。 fade fade(away): 1. lose color, freshness or vigor --- Flowers faded away soon when cut. 2. go slowly out of view, hearing or memory --- His hopes faded.他的希望逐渐消失了。 flower vi. 1. 开花 This bush flowers in the spring. 这种灌木春天开花。 2. 【书】发育,成熟;繁荣 Mozarts genius flow


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