研究生英语写作 Chapter Three b2a概要1.ppt

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研究生英语写作 Chapter Three b2a概要1

Questions p32,34,37; 39/41; 56… A: information flow: Old / given ---?new information…. 1. 从前有座山, 山里有座庙, 庙里有个和尚在念经。… B: Two points in a sentence: End-focus in meaning: 句末中心(periodic s. ) ; End-weight in structure 句末重心 2.. What happened to the trees ? A: They were destroyed by the rain. B: The rain destroyed them. the trees / They : old information in S.A, by the train: the new one, also the end focus of S. A 3.. a. The twins told their mother all the secrets. b. The twins told all their secrets to their mothers. Same in structure / not in meaning or in function ? -?different in end focus , different in meaning Lang. conventions/ habits: Cinderella, the most famous fairy tale, is also the most popular. As we all know, the tale is about a girl who is badly treated by her stepmother and stepsisters. She was made to do all the chores. Finally, She is rescued by her fairy godmother, and is married to a handsome prince. The story was first told by the Chinese in the ninth century. Its Chinese origins are shown by the episode of the glass slipper that the prince can fit only on Cinderella’s tiny, delicate feet, which were a mark of special beauty for Chinese women at that particular time. Cinderella’s story still fascinates us today, although we do not remain so fascinated by small feet. In Europe, and the United States alone, the tale exists in over 500 versions down to this day. Assignments: Review the parts with all the ex. Next Friday( 6th. Week) : Part III. Peerless paragraphs Hand in : My view on Uni. Ranking composition writing: The Qingming Festival Outline for undergraduates 1. definition 2. activities 3. ending Postgrads: your own outline???? hand-in: 1.outline 2. final copy A big holiday ! * Chapter Three Producing Effective Sentences -?


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