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Warming-up question What, do you think, are the probable causes of your tiredness if you sometimes feel tired? 7. feel dragged out: become exhausted all over 感到疲惫不堪 The old lady went to bed early, because she __________________________________________ (长途旅行后感到疲惫不堪) 11. with a thud: suddenly and quickly; with dull sound as of a blow 砰然打击或落下 The bullet entered his brain and he fell with a thud to the carpet. But probably more people complain of fatigue today than the days when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard 然而,与用手捆干草、用搓衣板洗衣服的过去相比,今天抱怨疲劳的人却更多。 a consequence of under-exertion 活动过少的结果 Physical fatigue usually a pleasant tiredness, such as that which you might experience after playing a hard set of tennis, chopping wood, or climbing a mountain. 身体上的劳累通常是一种令人愉快的疲惫,比如你在打过一场激烈的网球、劈木柴或者爬山之后就会有这种体验。 Here fatigue is a warning sign or consequence of some underlying physical disorder, 疲劳是一些潜在的身体功能紊乱的警告信号或结果 Fatigue may represent a defense mechanism that prevents you from having to face the true cause of your depression, such as the fact that you hate your job 疲劳可以是一种防御/保护机制, 阻碍你去正视你感到压抑的真正原因,比如你厌恶你的工作。 They’re so busy distracting themselves or just worrying about being tired that they don’t recognize their depression, turning away from original depression 他们根本不去注意自己的情绪,或者说他们只担心自己的疲劳,以至于没有意识到自己的抑郁症。 Sleeping pills and alcohol are counterproductive, and caffeine is at best a temporary solution that can backfire with abuse and cause life-disrupting symptoms of anxiety. 安眠药和酒精只能产生副作用,而咖啡充其量也只能暂时解决问题,滥用还会适得其反,引起令生活不得安宁的焦虑症状。 Coffee and a doughnut are almost worse than nothing, providing a brief boost and then letting you down with a thud. 咖啡和面包圈比任何事物都差, 只能使你在短时间内精神抖擞,而后便迅速萎靡不振。 体育锻炼同时又具有人们公认的安心静神的效果, 它有助于你有更为轻松愉快的心态工作,而不至于被一天的紧张拖垮。 Exercise also has a well-recognized tranquilizing effect, which helps you work in a more relaxed fashion and be less dragged down by the tensions of your day. Don’t overextend yourself, trying to cl



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