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Unit One 课后汉译英 Translation When I first came into contact with online teaching, I had questions about the validity of this instructional medium. I would not know whether the student submitting the work was the same person who registered for the course. Online teaching also required rethinking how I deliver the subject matter. Without face-to-face communication, can I, via computer, make the students feel the same kind of enthusiasm and appreciate my sense of humor? My shy daughter’s experience proved to be very inspiring. She never spoke in class, but in the two online courses she took, she dived into discussions and posted her opinions. The online course began and things ran better than I had expected. The students all followed the directions well, and the discussion board was lively. I’ve never met any of my students but I got to know them by their work and I saw their learning attitudes develop before my eyes. I found that online education worked best with students who were very comfortable with the computer and willing to become part of a community built around the subject matter. And it required teachers to be willing to help build that sense of community and make the students feel the teacher was always there. 英译汉---课文选段 Since I was scheduled to teach environmental science in summer school, it seemed like the perfect time to write the lectures for the online course in the fall. My plan: On the day I had to deliver a traditional lecture, I’d just type it up in the morning, cut the grass, then teach the class in the evening. 8.因为要在暑期学校讲授环境科学课,趁这机会为秋季的网络课程备课看来再合适不过了。我的计划是这样的;在上传统可那天,早上备课,修整草坪,然后晚上去教课。 I never got to the lawn. Each lecture required about eight hours of typing and illustrating to make it clear for online students. I also made the lectures available to my classroom students and they enjoyed critiquing them. 9.我一直没去成草坪。每一堂课都需要花八个小时左右的时间打字解释,好让在线学生能看明白,我也让教室里的学生能看到这些课件,他们很高兴提些意见。 Some students fell behind, tried to catch up, then drifted away. I


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