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1.3专业英语中的常用符号和数学式的表达 + plus,positive ─ minus,negative ± plus or minus × multiplied by ,times ÷ divided by = be equal to,equals ≈ be approximately equal to,approximately equals () round brackets,parentheses [ ] square (angular)brackets { } braces ≤ less than or equal to ≥ more than or equal to ∞ infinity ∵ because ∴ therefore → maps into x+y x plus y (a+b) bracket a plus b bracket closed a=b a equals b ,a is equal to b,a is b a≠b a is not equal to b,a is not b a±b a plus or minus b a≈b a is approximately equal to b a>b a is greater than b ab a is much [far] greater than b a≥b a is greater than or equal to b a<b a is less than b ab a is much less than b a≤b a is less than or equal to b a⊥b a is perpendicular to b x→∞ x approaches infinity a≡b a is identically equal to b,a is of identity to b angle a a∥b a is parallel to b a~b the difference between a and b a ∝b a varies directly as b x2 x square,x squared,the square of x,the second power of x,x to second power x3 x cube,x cubed,the cube of x,the third power of x,x to third power the square root of x the cube root of x % percent 2% two percent ‰ permill 5‰ five permill log x to the base n log x to the base 10 log x to the base e,natural logarithm ,Napierian logarithm。 exponential function of x,e to the power x the nth power of x,x to the power n the nth root of x,x to the power one over n sin sine cos cosine tg,tan tangent ctg,cot cotangent sc,sec secant csc,cosec cosecant arc sine arc cosine sinh the hyperbolic sine cosh


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