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理情行为疗法Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a form of psychotherapy and a philosophy of living created by Albert Ellis in the 1950s. 理情行为疗法(理情行为疗法)是一种心理治疗和生活哲学由艾利斯在1950年创建的。 REBT (pronounced R.E.B.T. — it is not pronounced rebbit) is based on the premise that whenever we become upset, it is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us; it is the beliefs that we hold that cause us to become depressed, anxious, enraged, etc. The idea that our beliefs upset us was first articulated by Epictetus around 2,000 years ago: Men are disturbed not by events, but by the views which they take of them. 理情行为疗法(发音R.E.B.T.——它不是明显rebbit)是基于前提,每当我们变得心烦意乱,这不是打乱我们的事件发生在我们的生活中,它是我们的信念,使我们变得抑郁,焦虑,愤怒,等等,我们的信念首先提出的是在大约2000年前埃皮克提图:“困扰男性的不是事情本身,而是他们的观点。” The Goal of Happiness幸福的目标 According to Albert Ellis and to REBT, the vast majority of us want to be happy. We want to be happy whether we are alone or with others; we want to get along with others—especially with one or two close friends; we want to be well informed and educated; we want a good job with good pay; and we want to enjoy our leisure time. 根据艾利斯的理情行为疗法,绝大多数的我们想要快乐。我们想要快乐是否单独或与他人,我们要相处与一个或两个亲密的朋友,尤其是我们想要见多识广,受过教育的,我们想要工资高的工作,我们要享受我们的闲暇时间。 Of course life doesnt always allow us to have what we want; our goal of being happy is often thwarted by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. When our goals are blocked, we can respond in ways that are healthy and helpful, or we can react in ways that are unhealthy and unhelpful.当然生活并非总是让我们得到我们想要的,我们要幸福的目标通常是被“命运的厄运。“我们的目标是阻止的时候,我们可以回应的方式是健康和有益的,或者我们可以做出反应的方式是不健康的和无益的。 The ABC Model ABC模型 Albert Ellis and REBT posit that our reaction to having our goals blocked (or even the possibility of having them blocked) is determined by our beliefs. To illustrate this, Dr. Ellis developed a simple ABC format to teach people how their beliefs cause their emotional and behavioral responses: 艾利斯的理情行为疗法认为我们反应目标受阻(甚至受阻的可能性)是由我们的信念。为了说明这一点,艾利斯博士开发了一个简单的ABC格式来教导人


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