研究生英语精读上 Unit Seven概要1.ppt

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研究生英语精读上 Unit Seven概要1

Part Summary [1-2] Your possessions tell your taste.Taste used to be the province of an educated elite. Now everybody has the opportunity to exercise his taste while buying things. Part Summary [3-15] What is taste and how to exercise taste?Taste is an expression of a whole system of values of an individual. One should have conviction in his own choice, and make his surroundings and even his appearance more pleasing and more interesting by positive acts of discrimination. Part Summary [16-18] The trend of taste in the future.When there is greater profusion of choice and more consumers exercise taste, manufacturers will be required to make better and more dignified products. Part Summary [19-21] Rules of taste:Such qualities as refinement, restraint, appropriateness and good manners are more rewarding than confusion and excess. Text Summary This passage is an endeavor to explore the subject of taste. Taste is an expression of a whole system of values of an individual. Therefore people differ in their tastes as well as in their concepts of what constitutes good taste. An individual first decides what stories he wants his possessions to tell and then exercises his taste to plan for the best effect. Good taste is to care and to choose, to make his surroundings and even his appearance more pleasing and more interesting by positive acts of discrimination. Such recurrent ideas as refinement, restraint, appropriateness and good manners are always thought to be good taste. In the future, there will be greater profusion of choice. When more consumers exercise taste, manufacturers will be required to make better and more dignified products for the consumers to choose. 全文翻译 高雅,庸俗 斯蒂芬 ·倍勒 全文翻译 [1] 你所拥有的东西,正像你所追赶的社会时尚一样,无疑能说明你的情趣。你买的每件物品都显示出你的某种爱好,而这种爱好是你的伴侣或最亲密的朋友在你们的亲密交往中也没有察觉到的。你每次购物都在运用你的情趣。 全文翻译 [2]在大规模生产的时代以前,情趣是属于有教养的社会名流的范畴。但是,当全民都第一次成为消费者之后,情趣就走出沙龙来到了大街上。突然间,每个人都有了进行选择的机会。 全文翻译 [3] 不可能客观存在像 “高雅 ”或 “庸俗 ”这样的东西。还是小说家阿诺德 ·贝内特说得好:高雅的情趣也许比庸俗的好,但庸俗的情趣肯定比根本不讲情趣要强。 全文翻译 [4]运用


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