
研究生英语精读上 Unit Four概要1.ppt

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研究生英语精读上 Unit Four概要1

Part Summary [1~4] The newly disclosed correspondence between Albert Einstein and his first wife Maric reveals their anguished love affair, their excitement over the impending birth of their child and their love for science. Part Summary [5~11] The disclosed letters reveal Einsteins efforts to participate in the revolution taking place in many fields of physics and also his mothers disdain for Maric. Part Summary [12~19] Discussions of scientific questions such as relative motion, absolute rest and infinity with which Einstein and Maric were both concerned dominate their correspondence. Part Summary [20~21] Discussions of scientific questions such as relative motion, absolute rest and infinity with which Einstein and Maric were both concerned dominate their correspondence. Part Summary [22~26] Their excitement over the impending birth of their child is described in theseletters and the mention of scarlet fever is the last reference to the child in the correspondence. Text Summary The newly disclosed correspondence between Albert Einstein and his first wife Maric is of great importance to historians of science. These letters reveal their anguished love affair, information about their little girl, and last but not least, their passion for science. 全文翻译 爱因斯坦痛苦的罗曼史 沃尔特 ·沙利文 全文翻译 [1] 新近披露的艾伯特 ·爱因斯坦与意中人 (此人后来成为他的元配 )之间的来往信件,向人们展示了这对情侣饱含辛酸的爱情经历。 全文翻译 [2] 有许多信件都叙述了这位年轻科学家和他未婚妻米莱娃 ·玛丽克之间的爱情,叙述了因为爱因斯坦的母亲拼命反对这门亲事而引起他俩的痛苦心情,还0叙述了他俩为孩子的即将出世油然而生的兴奋心情。 全文翻译 [3] 然而,这个女孩后来的命运如何依然是个谜。她是在这对夫妇于 1903年结婚前生下的,而且对她后来的情况显然没有记载。 [4] 与所披露的艰难的罗曼史交织在一起的是爱因斯坦满怀信心地为自己的相对论概念而努力奋斗的思想片断。 全文翻译 [5] 爱因斯坦与玛丽克 (她出生在当时匈牙利的塞尔维亚地区,现为南斯拉夫的一部分。 )是在 1896年交上朋友的。当时他俩正一起在苏黎世的联邦理工学院学习,在后来的许多岁月中,因爱因斯坦为找工作奔波,玛丽克为回家探亲而造成多次分离,所以他们通信频繁。 全文翻译 [6] 爱因斯坦在信中向玛丽克吐露,自己在投身于许多物理学领域 (其中包括光的特性、相对运动和分子现象 )内发生的革命。 全文翻译 [7] 据波士顿大学物理学教授、爱因斯坦论文集的编辑约翰 ·施塔赫尔博士说,看起来,与其说玛丽克是爱因斯坦思想的贡献者,不如说是爱因斯坦思想的 “共鸣者 ”。 [8] 1899年爱因斯坦 20岁。在给玛丽克的一封信中,他提前谈论了自己 6年后发表的早期相对论思想。当时许多物理学家仍然认为空间充满着一种能使光波传播的不可见的介质。他们将这种介质称之为“传光的以太”。 全文翻译 [9] 爱因斯坦的信还透露了他家



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