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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:矿渣粉和减水剂对混凝土性能影响的研究 系 别:_________________________ 班 级:_________________________ 姓  名:_________________________ 指 导 教 师:_________________________ 2012年6月8 日 矿渣粉和减水剂对混凝土性能影响的研究 摘 要 本文主要研究了矿渣粉和减水剂对混凝土强度、和易性和耐久性的影响。首先对原材料进行了分析,然后进行混凝土试块的制备、养护与抗压强度实验研究了胶凝材料对混凝土性能的影响结果表明: 1. 2.矿渣粉代替水泥后,混凝土的3d抗压强度明显降低,28d抗压强度基本不变。 3.少量矿渣粉替代水泥提高混凝土的耐冻性,当矿粉替代水泥比例超过30%时抗冻性低于基准混凝土Study on the Effect of Slag Powder and Superplasticizer on the Concrete Performance Abstract This paper mainly studies on influence of some components on concrete strength peaceability and durability. First the raw material is analysised,then concrete peaceability is tested,the concrete block formed, maintenance, and compressive strength tested.the concrete durability is tested in the end.The experimental study the law of cementitious material role in the concrete, slag and superplasticizer role in concrete durability.The results show that: 1.slag powder has a positive impact in the slump of concrete, added more than 30% ,concrete will emerge bleeding phenomenon. 2.When slag powder partically replace cement, concrete compressive strength of 3d decreased significantly and 28d unchanged. 3.Slag powder replace cement in small amount has a contribution to the concrete frost resistance, when the slag cement replacement ratio beyond 30%,slag concrete frost resistance will below baseline concrete frost resistance. 4. the carbonation resistance of concrete is decline as the slag powder dosage increases, when the amount of slag powder is greater than 40%, the rate of concrete carbonation depth significantly increased. Key words: slag powder slump bleeding carbonation 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1用于混凝土的粒化高炉矿渣 1 1.1.1粒化高炉矿渣简介 1 1.1.2粒化高炉矿渣对混凝土性能的影响 1 1.2用于混凝土的减水剂 4 1.2.1减水剂概述 4 1.2.2减水剂对硬化混凝土性能的影响 4 1.3 矿渣粉和减水剂对混凝土性能影响研究的意义 5 2 试验 7 2.1实验原料 7 2.1.1砂子分析 7 2.1.2石子分析 7 2.1.3矿渣粉分析 8 2.1.4水泥分析 11 2.2矿渣粉和减水剂对混凝土塌落度的影响 16 2.2.1实验目的 16 2.2.2实验过程 16 2.2.3结果与分析 17 2.3矿渣粉和减水剂


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