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会议摘要 - 浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会
Interaction of heat shock protein Cpn10 with Cyclin E/Cdk2 substrate NPAT is involved in regulating histone
transcription 6
Advances of IDH studies in Cancers 6
Biocatalytic synthesis of (5S)-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-hydroxypentanoic acid by Candida parapsilosis ZJPH1305 7
HSP90 Inhibition Is a Novel Therapeutic Strategy in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor 8
The Biological Function of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase in Cancers 9
Transcriptome altered by latent human cytomegalovirus infection on THP-1 cells using RNA-seq 10
MiRNA-33a 通过抑制Twist1 影响肺癌细胞发生EMT 和体内肿瘤转移的机制及其作为肺癌预后标记物的作
MicroRNA-128 Regulates Cancer Cell Glycolysis by Targeting Phosphofructokinase and Inhibits AKT
Phosphorylation 12
Circular RNAs in cancer: novel insights into origins, properties, functions and implications 12
大鼠腹白线通过电子传递方式传导活性氧自由基? 13
转2mG2-epsps 基因水稻种子蛋白质非预期变异分析 14
Wnt signaling pathway and GRP78 heat shock protein: targeted therapy of cancer 16
创伤弧菌溶细胞素诱导小鼠原代巨噬细胞TNF-α 表达和ROS 产生的机制研究 16
丹参酮ⅡA 调控CLIC1 保护血管内皮细胞损伤的研究 17
PM2.5 对HUVEC 细胞蛋白质组的影响 18
Tespa1 regulates TCR-induced calcium signal through recruiting inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) receptors 18
创伤弧菌溶细胞素对小鼠肝脏免疫细胞的细胞毒性差异 19
Progranulin A9D mutation functionally leads to the cytoplasm retardation of angiogenin 20
Functional analysis of ALS- and PD- associated mutations in the signal peptide of angiogenin 20
Tumorigenic activity of human ribnuclease-4 in gliomas 21
miR-141 acts as an anti-angiomiR through multiple targets in angiogenin induced angiogenesis 22
MicroRNA-409-3p suppresses colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis partly by targeting GAB1 expression .. 22
Identification of translational initiation changes during nutrient starvation 23
Ultrafine particles induced pulmonary fibrosis by affect autophagic flux and targeting lysosome. 23