H61000123_Emission Spectra and the Flame Test - 华译网翻译公司.PDF

H61000123_Emission Spectra and the Flame Test - 华译网翻译公司.PDF

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H61000123_Emission Spectra and the Flame Test - 华译网翻译公司

翻译样稿 北京华译网翻译公司 Emission Spectra and the Flame Test 06.02 发射光谱和焰色试验 06.02 Have you ever observed what happens when it is raining in one part of the sky and the sun shining in the other? In such a situation, we often spot a rainbow in the part where it is raining. It is so because each raindrop acts as a tiny prism, which refracts the path of the white light of the sun falling on it, and scatters it into a brilliant riot of colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, merging into each other. The band of colours so formed is called a spectrum and here, as one colour merges into the other, it is called a continuous spectrum. Several such drops together result in the formation of a rainbow. 你是否观察过,当一部分天空正在下雨,而另一部分却有阳光照耀时会出现什么 现象?在这种情况下,我们经常能够在下雨的那部分天空观察到彩虹。这是因为每个 雨滴均可以作为一个棱镜,对照射在其上的白光进行了折射,并将白光散射为七色 光,即红色光、橙色光、黄色光、绿色光、蓝色光、靛青色光和紫色光,这些颜色相 互之间存在交融。这样形成的色带被称为光谱,由于色带之间存在交融,被称为连续 光谱。许多这样的雨滴在一起便形成了彩虹。 Besides continuous, another type of spectrum is the line spectrum, which is further classified as the absorption and the emission spectra. In this topic, we will study the emission spectra of elements and their application in chemistry as the flame test. 除了连续光谱,还存在另外一种光谱即线状光谱,线状光谱又可以分为吸收光谱 和发射光谱。在本课题中,我们将对元素的发射光谱及其在化学中的应用(如焰色反 应)进行研究。 A common example of the emission spectrum is the sodium vapour lamps, adorning the city at night. Let us go inside the lamp for a while and see what is happening there. We observe that there is a thin sealed gas tube, filled with low density gaseous sodium. There are positive and negative terminals at the two ends, connected to a high voltage power supply. At the microscopic level, we can see the sodium atoms moving at a high speed inside the tube and electrons moving fro



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