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引气剂对混凝土性能的影响 Effect of air entraining agent on concrete performance 学科专业 : 土木工程 课程名称 : 土木工程材料 任课教师 : 结课时间 : 2014年12月 年级 : 2014级土木工程 研究生学号 : 研究生姓名 : 成绩 : 引气剂对混凝土性能的影响 摘要 引气剂是常用的混凝土外加剂之一,许多文献表明掺加引气剂不仅能够改善混凝土的工作性,而且还能够提高混凝土的耐久性,增加混凝土的使用寿命,特别是在易侵蚀、冻融的环境中。引气混凝土是混凝土结构耐久性要求发展的必然方向。本文系统研究了引气对混凝土的早期抗裂性能及混凝土耐久性的影响;采用新老混凝土黏结复合立方体试件,通过快速冻融试验,对在界面剂和新混凝土中掺加引气剂的新老混凝土黏结面的冻融劈裂抗拉性能进行了试验研究;论述了引气剂对新拌混凝土和硬化混凝土性能的影响,如流动性、离析、泌水和可泵性,以及抗冻性、抗除冰盐性、抗盐结晶压和碱集料反应破坏等,指出引气剂是发展高性能混凝土的必备外加剂;探讨了混凝土的渗透性与混凝土耐久性的关系和引气与耐久性之间的关系。研究引气剂对砂浆和混凝土流变性能影响,对混凝土耐久性的影响研究具有重要的实用价值和理论意义。 关键词:引气剂;混凝土;流变性能;抗冻融性能; 中图分类号:TU528.01 文献识别码:A 文章编号: Effect of air entraining agent on concrete performance Song Jinwei (College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics , Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 10216, Hebei) AbstractAir entraining agent is one of concrete admixtures used,many literatures indicate that air entraining agent not only can improve the concrete workability,but also can improve the durability of concrete,increase the service life of concrete,especially in the easy erosion,freeze-thaw environment. Air entraining concrete is the concrete structure durability requirements of the inevitable direction of development.This paper systematically studies the air entraining concrete early cracking resistance and to affect the durability of concrete; using new and old concrete bonding composite cubic specimens,by rapid freeze-thaw test,in the interface agent and new concrete adding lead bonding of new to old concrete surface gas agent freeze-thaw splitting tensile properties were studied; discusses the influence of air entraining agent on the properties of fresh concrete,such as flowability,segregation,secrete water and can pump,and the frost resistance,anti deicing salt resistance,salt crystallization and alkali aggregate reaction damage,and points out that the air entraining agent is essential additives development of high performance concrete is discussed; the rela


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