Preparation of a Management Strategy for - 渔农自然护理署.PDF

Preparation of a Management Strategy for - 渔农自然护理署.PDF

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Preparation of a Management Strategy for - 渔农自然护理署

Preparation of a Management Strategy for Sonneratia in Inner Deep Bay Areas Executive Summary Two exotic Sonneratia species to Hong Kong SAR, namely S. caseolaris and S. apetala were firstly found on the exposed mudflats close to the mouth of Shenzhen (Sham Chun) River in Deep Bay in early 2000. The occurrence of these two exotic species in Deep Bay was probably due to the dispersal of fruits and seeds from Futian, Shenzhen as Sonneratia have been widely adopted for coastal afforestation in Guangdong Province since 1993. The Sonneratia seedlings mistakenly planted by the contractor responsible for the mangrove planting along the embankment of the Kam Tin Drainage Channel in 2001 are also possible seed sources as they are mature and have reproductive ability. The present desk-top study summarizes the biology, ecology and distribution of the two Sonneratia species in Inner Deep Bay, Hong Kong, estimates their invasive potential and impacts, and makes recommendation on their management in Inner Deep Bay particularly the Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site for maintenance of the mudflat habitats for waterbirds. Based on field surveys conducted by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department’s staff in 2005-2006, a total of 1,683 individuals of Sonneratia (74% were S. caseolaris and 26% were S. apetala) were found in Deep Bay with more than 900 individuals in Mai Po (mainly in the outlets of Sham Chun River, along the water channel around gei wai 5, and the foreshore mudflat). Nevertheless, none was found in the Mai Po Nature Reserve. Sonneratia species not only have fast growth nature and rapid colonization, they produce flowers and fruits all year round with the peak fruiting season in autumn (from August to November).


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