Logistic 曲线在涠洲油田群含水规律研究中的应用 - 海洋石油.PDF

Logistic 曲线在涠洲油田群含水规律研究中的应用 - 海洋石油.PDF

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Logistic 曲线在涠洲油田群含水规律研究中的应用 - 海洋石油

 31  1 海 洋 石 油 Vol.31 No.1  2011 3 OFFS ORE OIL  Mar.2011 :1008-2336(2011)01-0068-05 Logistic 洪楚侨, 杨志兴,苏崇华,李英蕾 ((), 524057)  :含水上升规律研究是油田动态分析的重要内 , 应用 Logistic 生长曲线统一表征油田含水上升规律, 并建立了涠洲油 田群不同主力产层的油田含水上升模式。研究表明以涠洲组为主力产层的油田在生产过程中具有凸型的含水率上升规律, 以角尾组为主力产层的油田在生产过程中具有S 型的含水率上升规律, 而以流沙港组为主力产层的油田在生产过程中则具 有凹型的含水率上升规律。应用涠洲油田不同主力产层典型的含水率上升方程, 结合区域产量规划研究, 预测了涠洲油田群 的产水量情况, 为油田群水处理设施的建设规划提供了基础。研究方法对油田开发管理及区域规划具有 一定的借鉴意义。 :;;Logistic :TE357.6   :A   DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2011.01.068 Application of Logistic curve in the water-cut mode of Weizhou Oilfields ong Chuqiao,Yang Zhixing, Su Chonghua, Li Yinglei (Z hanj iang Branch of CN OOC (Ch ina )L td ., Zhanj iang Guang dong, 524057) Abstract:Study on water-cut increasing law was important in oilfield dynamic analysis and logistic growth curve was used to present this law.Three kinds of curve shapes of water-cut modewas characterized uniformly in this paper.The water-cut mode in different producing layers in Weizhou oilfields was established.It was found that the water-cut increasing curve of oilfields with the main pro- ducing layers of Weizhou group was a convex shape, oilfields with the main producing layers of Jiaowei group was a“S”shape, while water-cut curve of oilfields with the Liushagang group as main producing layers was a concave shape.Application of the typicalwater- cut mode of Weizhou oilfields was applied to different producing formation oilfields, and combined with regional production planning, the water production of Weizhou oilfields was forecasted which was the base of construction planning of water treatment equipment. The method was useful for oilfield production management and regional production planning. Key words:Weixinan depression;water-cut mode;Logis


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