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中国农学通报 2011,27(6):232-237 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin “中洲官渡世纪花园”小区环境设计 杨宏波,王 敏,范艳华,王鹏飞 (河南农业大学,河南省郑州市450002 ) 摘 要:随着社会经济的发展、生活水平的提高,人们对新建居住区的环境质量越来越关注。以河南省中 牟县“中洲官渡世纪花园”环境设计过程为例,从行为、事件模式、空间三者关系的角度进行分析,以人的 尺度、人的活动为根本出发点,营造一种优雅、放松、生态、安全并有强烈归属感的居住环境,使居住环境 的设计在较大程度上成为居民之间彼此交流、沟通的介质,进而探讨新时期小区环境设计的发展趋势, 并希望对当今小区的规划设计、建设等实践有参考作用。 关键词:环境设计;小区;事件;空间 中图分类号:S731 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2010-3359 CommunityEnvironmentalDesignof ‘NakasuGuanduCenturyGarden’ Yang Hongbo, Wang Min, Fan Yanhua, Wang Pengfei (ForestryCollege,HenanAgriculturalUniversity, Zhengzhou 450002) Abstract: With the social and economic development, improvement of living standards, the environmental of new residential area has attention more and more concerns. Taking the design of ‘Nakasu Guandu Century Garden ’in Zhongmou county, Henan province, as the example, and through the analysis the relationship between behavior, event pattern and space, a graceful, relaxed ecological and safe environment with strong sense of belonging was created with human scale and human activities as the priorities. Environmental design should, to a large extent, become the media for people to have mutual understanding, mutual trust, and joint creation. The development trend of community environment design in the new era was discussed, expected to be helpful for the community design, construction and use. Keywords:environmental design; residential; event; space 0 引言 的机械化生产,但同时也严重忽略了居民自身的情感、 在小区环境设计的过程中,在建筑已经存在的前 心理因素,最终会与人居环境设计的初衷背道而驰。 提下,人居环境的设计不仅要尊重居民的功能需求,而 面对此类问题,笔者在河南省中牟县“中洲


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