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冻融作用对黑土力学性质的影响研究 - 水土保持通报
3 1 3 V ol . 3 1, No . 3
20 11 6 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Jun . , 20 11
范昊明, 钱 多, 周丽丽, 武 敏
, 110161)
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: A : 1000- 2 88X 2011) 03- 00 81- 04 : S 157. 1
Effects of Freeze Thaw Cycle on Mechanical Properties of Black Soil
FA N H ao- m ing, QIA N Duo, Z H OU L-i li, WU M in
( Colleg e of Water Conser v ancy , S heny ang A g r icult ure Univ er sity , Sheny ang , L iaoning 110161, Ch ina)
Abstract: Repeat ed fr eeze ) t haw cy cles cau se chang es in soil cohesion and int ernal fr ict ion ang le, increasing
the erodibilit y of t he soil. T his st udy discussed t he variat ions of soil bulk cohesion and internal f rict ion ang le
in the f reez e- t haw cy cles and analyzed the fr eeze ) t haw ef fects on so il ant-i erodibilit y. T he black so il w as se-
l ected as the study object . T he changing t rend of cohesion and int ernal f rict ion ang le of t he soil w ere invest i-
g ated t hrough indoor f reez e ) t haw exper im ent s w it h considerat ion of diff er ent fr eezing cy cles and v ario us soil
moisture contents . T he result s show t hat freeze ) t haw cy cles af fect ed gr eat ly t he soil cohesion and slight ly
the int ernal f rict ion ang le. Wit h increasing numbers o f freeze ) t haw cycles , soil cohesio n decreased and t hen
achieved a stable st at e aft er t hree f reez e ) t haw cy cles. Wit h the increase of so il m oist ure, soil cohesio n re-
duced and t hen increa
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