2013年公路工程试验检测试卷库(2013 highway engineering test examination paper library).doc

2013年公路工程试验检测试卷库(2013 highway engineering test examination paper library).doc

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2013年公路工程试验检测试卷库(2013 highway engineering test examination paper library)

2013年公路工程试验检测试卷库(2013 highway engineering test examination paper library) The highway engineering test test library The materials test The record of the local name One. Simple choice The steel welding tensile test, a set of test pieces have two break-break, should be taken again (C??????) roots for the reinspection. A.????????? B.????? 4???? 6 C. The requirement of the preparation of concrete using sand is to use (D??) sand. A. the gap is small. B, the total surface area is small? C, the total surface area is big?? D, void and total surface area are smaller The fineness modulus of middle sand is MX (B). A, 3.7 ~ 3.1 B, 3.0 ~ 2.3 C, 2.2 ~ 1.6 D, 1.4 The EDTA titration method was quick to determine the lime dose test in lime soil, and the calcium red indicator was added to the reaction of lime soil and ammonium chloride. [? A??] Color. ? A. rose?????????????? B.????????????????????????? C.??? D. LAN The content of magnesium oxide (A) is the limit of calcium lime and magnesium lime. ????? A, 5% B, 10% C, 15% D, 20% The temperature of the cement laboratory is not lower than that of the curing box (????). Relative humidity is not below (?? D??). A. to 20 ℃ + 2 ℃, 20 ℃ 50%, plus or minus 1 ℃, 95%, b. 20 ℃ + / - 1 ℃, 50%, to 20 ℃ + 2 ℃, 95%, C. to 20 ℃ + 2 ℃, 50%, 20 ℃ + / - 1 ℃, 90%, d. 20 ℃ + 2 ℃, 50%, 20 ℃ + / - 1 ℃, 95%, The ratio of concrete to design must be required for the proof of durability (D). A, the sand ratio B, the unit cement amount C, the pulp set ratio D, the water ash ratio The workability of the newly mixed concrete with the less than (C) degree is measured by the verber consistency instrument. A, 20mm B, 15mm C, 10mm D, 5mm The arithmetic mean of the measurement of the strength of the cement sand in the strength of the cement mortar is the result of the experiment. A, 3????????? B, 4????????????? C?????????????????????????????????????????????? D, 6, The test of cement test in cement test is carried out in (c). A. pressure testing machine b. universal m



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