《黑色洛城》中文问答全攻略(Black luocheng Chinese qa).doc

《黑色洛城》中文问答全攻略(Black luocheng Chinese qa).doc

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《黑色洛城》中文问答全攻略(Black luocheng Chinese qa) Case 4: buyer beware of interrogating female: 3 (insurance letter) - 2-1 interrogate male: 3 (identify suspect) -2 Case 5: driving position Six clues were collected, four questions: 1-1-2-1 [the dead house] comes first to the bedroom closet, the match for the bedside table, the frame of the dresser and the frame There are two white tables in the kitchen. Phone the wife: 1-1-1-3 (phase frame) - 1-1 The [cavana bar] is linked to the abandoned car and lying (the pigs receipt) Adrian is suspicious (open police car!) Up to the second floor! Will run away to die chasing him, can close the case perfectly! Case 6: the consuls car Drive to the missing car, the license plate, a tire. The drivers badge and the handle on the ground Then the phone next to him began to interrogate the old man sitting outside the house Eyewitness reports that the spanish-speaking suspects suspicious vehicle is suspicious of the car being ripped apart Check the laptop for the old bench. [police] waiting for you in the interrogation room of no.2. 2-2-3 (organizer) [car dealer] will find a wrench to ask the boss: 3 (notepad) -2-2 The banner of the hall, the breakfast in the kitchen. Car plates and tires from the kitchen door to the first floor 1-3 (breakfast) -2 Case seven: the marriage of Yin and Yang The body has two pockets 1-1-2 and then 2-1-2-2 [patterson house] 2-2-3 (insurance letter). [central morgue] Case eight: soft touching 1 minus 2 minus 1 minus 1 minus 1 minus 2 minus 2 Take a phone call to Jane archers address [police department] 2-3 (fake address) -2-2 door 2-3 (false address) - 2 [huahua company] the third row on the right [industrial street 8] three clues 2-3 (ray pinks note) [huahua company] 3 (gambling debts) Case nine: fallen dreamer The accident scene was very near the police station. 2-3 (underpants) - 2-2 Jessica: 3 (underpants) -3 (mothers letter) 2-1 Enter the tracking mode. Enter the newspaper desk and sit down on E. Go to the Wilson



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