ISO-9000保安工作管理程序(ISO - 9000 security management procedures).doc

ISO-9000保安工作管理程序(ISO - 9000 security management procedures).doc

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ISO-9000保安工作管理程序(ISO - 9000 security management procedures)

ISO-9000保安工作管理程序(ISO - 9000 security management procedures) ISO - 9000 security management procedures 1. Objective to establish a trained security team and strengthen security management in the region. 2. The scope applies to all management offices of the company 3. The responsibility 3.1 overall guidance, inspection, supervision and assessment of the security work of the department manager. 3.2 the security supervisor shall be responsible for the specific organization, implementation, suggestion and training of security management. The security monitor is responsible for the specific implementation of security work. 4. Methods and process control 4.1 management of visitors 4.1.1 any visitor to the district (building) shall be registered at the visiting registration office. 4.1.2 visitors must obey the reasonable management of the management of the residential area (building), and shall not be unreasonable or unreasonable, and the disputes shall be resolved by the administration. 4.1.3 all visitors are not allowed to bring inflammable, explosive and poisonous substances into the community. 4.1.4 the troops, public security and government civil servants who perform the official duties shall enter the residential areas (building), and they shall show their certificates and register them in the register. 4.1.5 persons who have no clear access to the object shall not enter the residential area before the undecided means. 4.1.6 visitors to the residential area should take care of public facilities and maintain sanitation. 4.1.7 all facilities and amusement sites in the residential area shall be open to the residents and the visitors shall not use them without the consent of the management office. 4.1.8 all sales, collection, etc. Are not allowed to enter the residential area. 4.1.9 foreign visitors who have not contacted the management office before entering the residential area (building) should have completed the formalities. 4.2 management of the construction personne



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